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Energy Saving Tips for Your Home in Winter

Although cold weather creates a background for many beautiful days with the magnificent colors offered by nature, it also brings an increase in heating costs at home. And these costs can lead to unwanted money management problems.

However, there are many tips that can help you lower your overall energy costs during the winter. The more efficient your heating system is and the less energy lost from inside to outside, the better! Even in the coldest part of the year, you’ll spend less on keeping your home comfortable and warm.

Try the following tips this winter and see how much you can reduce your energy use and in turn save on energy costs this winter…

Sunshine should be one of your closest friends in autumn and winter. While it can be bad in the summer heat as it can heat the house undesirably, during the winter months sunlight is an excellent natural heater for your home.

Open the curtains and blinds on west and east facing windows during the day so as much sunlight as possible will enter your home, naturally increasing the temperature inside by a degree or two, resulting in significant savings on your heating bill. A similar effect can be created by closing the curtains at night to insulate your home from the cold of the winter nights.

Check Your Insulation
Insulation is like the winter coat of your home. The thicker it is, the warmer your home will be.

If you know your home is poorly insulated, or if the floors, ceilings and walls are too cold to the touch, it may be time for extra insulation.

Adding a new layer to walls will require plugging overlooked holes and renting equipment. But you can add insulation blankets to the attic or staple insulation to the ceiling and basement walls to help you survive the winter.

The water heater in your home consumes a lot of energy during the winter months as it has to resist the cold to keep the water warm, so give it an extra layer as well by wrapping it with fiberglass insulation. This small investment can save you up to 10% on your monthly electricity bill.

Discover and Block Leaks
A leaky home is a wasteful home, so it’s important to find sensitive areas of your home where cold air comes in and warm air comes out. But most homes have many sneaky leaks inside.

The most likely culprits are unsealed doors and windows in your home. Check if your doors and windows are leaking heat. If you feel coolness or air near any window, it is likely that there is a leak in that area. Be sure to seal leaking areas to prevent hot air from escaping from your home. In addition, thick curtains are an important and simple method to prevent the cold.

By checking all ducts each year and re-insulating as needed, you will help reduce energy leaks in your home. This helps increase efficiency and ensures that your heater doesn’t have to work harder to keep your home warm.

Unused fireplaces in your home should also be closed to prevent air from passing through the chimney. If you plan to use your fireplace, be sure to have it cleaned at the beginning of the season to ensure safety, health and efficiency.

Leaks can also occur in other parts of your home, such as plumbing lines, electrical outlets, and near room vents. You must identify and close these points to insulate your home from the cold and keep the warm air where it belongs.

Change Your Air Conditioner’s Air Filters
The filter in your air conditioner will collect dust and other debris that reduces the air flow through over time. This causes your air conditioner to lose efficiency, meaning it has to work harder to provide the heat you desire. A clogged filter means most of the heat is trapped and lost.

Keep the system running well throughout the season by keeping a close eye on the air filters and replacing them as they become dirty. A good rule of thumb is to change the filters at least once a month if you run your heater every day.

Turn Down Thermostat
Even turning your thermostat down a few degrees can make a significant difference in the amount of money you pay on your energy bills.

Perhaps the most energy-conscious choice a homeowner can make when it comes to central heating today is to install a programmable thermostat. With a programmable thermostat, you can set the unit to operate at one temperature while at home and awake, another temperature while sleeping, and another temperature away from home. That way, you won’t waste energy by heating an area unnecessarily.

Adding a programmable thermostat simplifies the process, but you can easily manage your indoor temperature without a thermostat. When you are away from home and sleeping at night, it is enough to lower the temperature of your home by about 8 degrees. This can help you save up to 20% on your heating bills.

Wear thick clothes and have blankets to keep yourself warm at night. Because if you can stand it, turning your thermostat down a few degrees while you’re at home can also help.

A humid environment also makes you feel warmer, so be sure to use a humidifier in your home, even when consuming less energy.

Underfloor Heating Very Effective
An effective way to keep your home warm more efficiently in the winter is to switch to underfloor heating. Underfloor heaters use radiant heating to heat the entire room. The floor is always warm, which helps keep the whole room warm. Heat travels upwards, which makes a floor heater more efficient than a heater with ducts placed close to the ceiling.

Don’t let the winter season scare you anymore! All these methods can help you keep your family warm during the colder months.




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