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Common Simple Decorating Mistakes

Constantly changing trends, of course, also affect decoration fashion, but when it comes to the house you live in, it is perfectly natural to prioritize your personal preferences. The colors you love, the furniture you choose, and the pleasant accessories make your living space feel comfortable. But there’s no harm in being aware of the critical mistakes that professionals warn about:

Give Up Small Rugs
Small rugs and even doormats are one of the most common decoration mistakes. In general, all furniture in the room should sit on the rug. If this is not possible, the front legs of heavy and important items should be on the rug at least.

Don’t Choose Paint Color First
Deciding on the color of the walls first is a common decoration mistake. Today, there are endless choices of paint alternatives, and even if you are not satisfied with your choice and want to change it, it has become extremely practical to do so. Choose the most important pieces for your home first and then shape the rest accordingly.

Don’t Hang the Chandelier Too High
Hanging chandeliers too high is the wrong move because it’s the room you’re trying to lighten, not the ceiling. By putting chandeliers too high, you limit the spread of light. When you limit the spread of light, the room looks much darker.

Don’t Hang Frames Too High
People tend to hang framed pictures/paintings/photos closer to the ceiling than they should. However, especially the works of art and in general everything you want to be seen should be hung on the wall at approximately eye level. Although it is difficult to give a clear measure considering that not everyone is the same height, it is always better to be lower than higher.

Don’t Choose Short Curtains
Curtains should always scrape the floor. It’s okay if they’re taller, but they should never be shorter. Curtains that are too short have the same effect as pants that are too short: They make the wall appear truncated and shorter than it is.

Don’t Use Too Many Pillows
Pillows are great decorative elements, but don’t use so many pillows that you have to make room for half an hour before sitting or lying down. Just because it’s displayed this way in a store doesn’t necessarily mean you have to bring exactly the same look into your home.

Give Up Themed Decorations
While it’s fun to create themed rooms and houses, people tend to get bored of them quickly. Theme rooms get old and outdated fast. Then you have to spend more money to replace items you no longer want. Instead, try to add elements of the theme you love to a regular room. For example, if you like jungle themes, add a few animal prints like zebra-print cushions or leopard-print pouf.

Don’t Prefer Style Instead of Comfort
When it comes to decoration, there are many items on the market that look great but are not at all comfortable to use. While it’s okay to buy a few just because you like them, go for comfortable and functional pieces in general. Because it is your home, which means the living space where you need to be most comfortable.

Don’t Push All Furniture Against Walls
Sometimes the size of the room can make this difficult, but to create more intimate conversation areas, especially position armchairs and sofas without sticking them to the walls.


Cover Photo Credit: ©123rf.com / Victor Zastolskiy




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